The mechanical design and aerodynamics of the future European launcher
Modular, flexible and competitive, the new European launcher is intended to provide the best launch solution to businesses and institutions by 2023. As a historical partner of aerospace manufacturers, ALTEN actively participates in their development in various fields (structure, thermal, flight mechanical engineering, etc.).

With over 10 years’ experience space mechanical engineering professions, ALTEN helps its clients at several levels of the development and upcoming production of its launcher:
- The mechanical architecture of the launcher: definition of the concept, mechanical design, stress calculation, fluid mechanics simulation, thermal calculation, etc.
- Aerodynamics: the most aerodynamic launcher possible, minimize drag and unnecessary loads, etc.
Similarly, for each of the launches from the European Spaceport (Kourou), our engineers conduct thermal studies to ensure good satellite flight conditions (fluid flow calculations under the nose cone to avoid high temperature levels that could damage satellites).
In addition, ALTEN is also involved in mission control activities of: